Tag Archives: Apology

Vick, Jobs, Jones and The Power of Apology

“[Marion Jones] did everything right today. She was contrite, she was humble, she was sincere. You could feel her pain. She admitted to making mistakes and her pain is obvious.”

–  Dick Patrick, USA Today

The above quote concerns the October 5 public apology made by Marion Jones, the prodigiously talented sprinter and Olympic medalist. It is the most recent example of well-known people who have found themselves in the position of being called to publicly account for their mistakes. Continue reading Vick, Jobs, Jones and The Power of Apology

Michael Vick

I was struck by Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick’s recent statements, which he made last week before and after pleading guilty to felony charges of conspiracy related to running an illegal dogfighting operation. Continue reading Michael Vick