Tag Archives: public speaking

Why Hillary Clinton Fails to Communicate

First, the facts: Hillary Clinton made history as the first woman to win the Iowa Caucuses. She won by a razor thin margin, which may have been disappointing to her, her team and her supporters, but that’s all you ever need to win, whether you’re running for President of the PTA or the USA. So let’s give her that, at least.

Second, unlike a lot of people, it didn’t surprise me to see Hillary Clinton do less well than expected in this first contest of the election season.

For candidates at this level to win (or win big), they have to inspire voters through 5 communication channels:

  • Message
  • Personal narrative (your formation story, hero journey, etc.)
  • Presentation
  • Interpersonal skills, and
  • Spouse (yep, your partner — or lack thereof — makes a difference)

These don’t all need to be nailed down, just the majority. Some (message and presentation) hold more weight than others. And they don’t have to be perfect or even great… just better than the opposition.

So you’d think after 25 years in the public eye, after running for president – not once, but twice – on a scale of 1-10, Hillary Clinton would be a 10! At least an 8 or a 9. Instead, she’s somewhere around a 6, give or take. And that won’t be enough to win this thing. So what’s going wrong? Well, a few things.

1.  Muddled message. What is her slogan? If you cannot answer that, you see the problem. Now Sanders doesn’t have a good slogan either. He has a chant, “Feel the Bern” (which I find kind of icky, but I can see where his supporters might like it). And he’s testing out a slogan that he lifted from Obama’s campaign. (They all steal stuff from other successful campaigns, by the way. There are only so many words that will do the trick. But this Obama slogan feels too recent to me for stealing. We’ll see if he sticks with it.) Slogans need to be aspirational, about the future, which is why Trump’s “Make America Great Again” and Rubio’s “A New American Century” have such great power. They also have to be easy to remember and have a ring to them when you say them. They make you feel good. The first thing I saw when I went to Clinton’s website after the big night was: “I’m with her.” Huh? People will only connect with you if your message is aspirational and gives them hope.

2.  Personal narrative: We haven’t heard much about her story and what we already know, we don’t necessary feel inspired by. There is a compelling story in there somewhere. How do I know? Because everyone has one and no, it doesn’t have to be “I was homeless and now I’m running for president.” Everyone has struggles. We need to hear about hers. BTW, we haven’t really heard much about Bernie’s struggles, either, so note to Bernie. Whose have we heard? Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio are two great examples. Go read John Kasich’s. They’re compelling and make these guys more relatable. A compelling personal narrative tells people you’re like them, you get them, you have walked in their shoes in some ways.

3.  Presentation: Mostly she screws this up with her voice. (Click here to read yesterday’s New York Times on this exact topic in which I was quoted.) Now some of the criticisms out there are sexist – this culture doesn’t tolerate what it perceives as power displays by women. Beyond sexism, there is an entire new generation of voters who’ve never heard a woman’s voice in campaign mode at this level; men’s voices have been the gold standard by which women’s voices are measured. Still, she could do better vocally. She mistakes volume for expression. So instead of using the wide range of pitch in her speaking voice to make us lean in and listen, she increases her volume, which paradoxically limits her ability to be expressive. This translates as yelling and we’ve already got one of those in Sanders, whose voice is very unpleasant to listen to. And don’t head over to Cruz’s videos for any good examples of vocal expressiveness. His level of expression is so wide, so practiced, and so calculated, it sounds phony. He needs to go run a mega-church or something. Rubio, on the other hand, has this nonverbal code nailed for the most part. Definitely listen to him for a sound that is very pleasing and fluent. And I know he’s a man, but women’s voices can be pleasing and fluent, too.

The final two, interpersonal skills and spouse, will become more important as the campaign progresses and the candidates culled. Interpersonally, I think she’s pretty good. The spouse issue brings up a lot of stuff, a lot of it not necessarily favorable, but would be history-making, so get ready for that onslaught.

In the meantime, here’s what you can learn by observing this master class in public communication:

  1. Get very clear on your message and repeat it until you can’t stand it any more.
  2. Develop your personal story and practice telling it so people can discern your core values and philosophy to feel more connected with you.
  3. Work on your presentation skills. This is the biggest, most important thing you can do.

Becoming a great public communicator, the best marketing spend you can make, will return dividends far beyond your wildest dreams.

5 Steps to A Winning Performance Mindset in 2016

Ruth’s Truth: It’s no longer enough to be good at your job. Lots of people are good. The competition is fierce and the market increasingly crowded with good workers. Today, if you want to advance, you have to be great. Albert Einstein great. Oscar and Pulitzer winning great. Super Bowl and Stanley Cup great. Aretha Franklin great. You get the picture.

What you may not get is what’s necessary to achieve greatness. So here’s a secret: You do not have to be a genius or even have a high IQ. You just have to have a passion for your area of expertise and practice until you’re blue in the face. This is what every masterful professional knows. The other thing they know is most of their competitors won’t do what it takes, creating a tremendous opportunity for those who do.

Actors and athletes become skilled through repetition. 5 hours of practicing a single scene, 5 hours of a single passage, 5 hours of foul shots. Daily for weeks and months and years on end. Scientists must constantly experiment through failure after failure. Yet they persist.

But how does this type of practice translate to a more traditional workplace?

During the typical office workday, there are so many tasks it’s hard to know what to focus on. Furthermore, the distractions are legion and growing. This is where most people get tripped up (including me and no, I’m not going to give you any advice on turning off your devices. I never advise people to do things I don’t or won’t do). What I will suggest is that you focus your practice on the 2 or 3 tasks that will advance you. These fit into two categories: Technical and communication. You need the technical skills to do the job. You need the communication skills to persuade people to give you what you need to continue your pursuit of technical mastery and to teach others. In both categories, you must be willing to stretch and take risks, which is frightening. I’ve come to believe this is why most people won’t excel. They don’t want the discomfort the fear causes.

People are often surprised when I share my own experiences of getting to mastery. They often don’t want to hear that I practice constantly, read for hours, stretch myself, and scare myself half to death in the process!

There is another discomfort, too, which is the tedium and boredom that sets in when practicing a task over and over again. Progress can be glacial and it’s difficult to stick with it when improvement is so slow that you don’t think you’ll ever get there. Which brings me to the other thing: greatness takes patience. In our age of instant gratification, people have lost this ability.

Ready to be world class? Here are 5 performance mindset steps:

  1.  Identify your passions.
  2.  Select 2 technical skills and 1 communication skill you want to improve.
  3.  Practice them every day – until you’re “blue in the face” – knowing it will be tedious and boring.
  4.  Take risks, push through your fears, and deal with the discomfort.
  5.  Be patient. You will improve.

Greatness is not reserved for the pre-ordained few. It’s there for you but only if you do the work. If you want help with the communication piece of your journey, I’m here for you.